The Greatest Friend Can Be Trusted Completely



This is the great reality.

Psalm 118:8-9 It is better to trust the Lord than to put confidence in men. It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes.

Psalm 56:9 This one thing I know: God is for me!

Psalm 56:11 In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me.

Yes, you can trust God completely. Who are you trusting in today? How about putting your trust in the greatest Friend.


There are many reasons why God can be trusted. Here are a few:

1. He is constantly the same: Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

2. He will not forsake us: Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong! Be courageous! Do not be afraid of them! For the Lord your God will be with you. He will neither fail you nor forsake you.”

3. He will not fail you and me:

Hebrews 13:5-6 For God has said, “I will never, never fail you nor forsake you.” That is why we can say without any doubt or fear, “The Lord is my Helper, and I am not afraid of anything that mere man can do to me.”

God wants to be our best Friend, our Confidant, our Ally and Partner.


This is an important aspect.

John 15:7 If you remain in Me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.

We need to stay connected. In vital union with the One Who can be trusted. When we do our own thing, we lose the connection. When we lose the connection, we are alone. This friendship is a rewarding friendship IF we will stay connected to the Friend. That is the decision of my heart. May it be true for you as well.

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The Closest Friend



I know a Friend who has been the ideal friend to me. I think the old songwriter knew the same Friend when he wrote that great song: ‘What a Friend we have in Jesus.’ I think the writer of the Psalms knew this Friend.

Psalm 54:4 But God is my helper. He is a Friend of mine!

If the writer of this Psalm knew this Friend and if the great songwriter knew this Friend and I know this Friend, then you can too. Let me introduce you to my Friend, GOD. He wants to be your Friend as well.


The Bible tells us about this Friend.

Proverbs 18:24 ‘There are “friends” who pretend to be friends, but there is a Friend who sticks closer than a brother.’

God wants to be our Friend and wants us to be His friends.

John 15:15 ‘I no longer call you servants … Instead, I have called you friends’

I want more of this friendship. More of this friendship for myself, and more of this friendship for you. We all need more of the friendship of the greatest Friend.

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What Would The Characteristics Of An Ideal Friend Be?



Have you ever thought about this? Here are some ideals:

1. An ideal friend would be consistent
and constant.
2. An ideal friend would always be
3. An ideal friend would always
4. An ideal friend would always help.
5. An ideal friend would be able to
carry your burden for you.
6. An ideal friend would always have
the best advice.
7. An ideal friend would never let us

Proverbs 17:17 A true friend is always loyal.

It is quite something to consider these aspects.


Humans are unable to deliver the kind of friendship we would call ideal. People will always let us down. Even the best and the longest standing friend will fail us and not live up to our expectations from time to time. The writer of the book of Psalms experienced this:

Psalm 41:9 Even my best friend has turned against me—a man I completely trusted; how often we ate together.

This is what makes human friendship such a delicate balance. Yet, each one of us is looking for someone we can completely trust, someone to whom we can entrust ourselves. There is Someone who wants to be our friend. Someone who can be trusted totally and completely.

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The Greatest Friend


We all need friends. Friends are the special people in our lives. They may only be acquaintances or those with whom you associate. Human friends can mean so much in our lives. Friends have the capacity to influence and encourage us. Do you have any real friends that you can totally depend upon? There is someone who wants to be our friend. He is the greatest Friend a human can know.


Perhaps if we understood this we would be able to accurately evaluate who our real friends are. A friend is someone with who you have a connection. It is someone you get on well with and in whose company you are comfortable. I once heard a statement that true friendship between people takes place when silence between them is comfortable. Perhaps you have some friends like this. A friend is someone who is not hostile towards you. A friend is someone who shares your interests. A friend is someone we spend time with. A favoured companion. An ally, a mate and a partner, that is what a real friend is.

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The Result



God will respond! I believe that God does not delay in responding. As we approach God like children He will move towards us.

James 4:8 When you draw close to God, God will draw close to you.

This is a promise and commitment from God. It is something that we can be sure of.


We need God! We don’t need more than God Himself. When we discover this we will find what we are looking for. We will find what we have been secretly longing for. We will find it in HIM. I want God to become the all-consuming factor in my life. Him and Him alone! God and God alone!


With God we have everything! Everything is tied up in God.

Matthew 6:31 – 33 So don’t worry at all about having enough food and clothing. Why be like the heathen? For they take pride in all these things and are deeply concerned about them. But your Heavenly Father already knows perfectly well that you need them, and He will give them to you if you give Him first place in your life and live as He wants you to.

God is the one who can fully satisfy us. God is the one who can be the delight of our lives. I want to want more of God.

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What Must We Do?



Every age has its particular problems. Right now we have several. They hold us back from wanting and experiencing more of God. They include: materialism, legalism and busyness. We also live in an age of religious busyness. Instead of experiencing God we have, PROGRAMS, EVENTS, FUNCTIONS, STRUCTURES and COMMITTEES, and a bunch of activities that keep us busy and take our attention. All of these things, however good they may be, can never satisfy the longing in our heart for more of God.


We must simplify our lives. Get rid of things that hold us back or trip us up.

Hebrews 12:1 Let us strip off anything that slows us down or holds us back, and especially those sins that wrap themselves so tightly around our feet and trip us up.

We must get rid of things that would stand in the way. We must not try and impress others, but we must approach God like children. We must expect that God will respond and that we will experience more of God for ourselves.

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The Desire



Moses had a desire to experience more of God.

Exodus 33:18 ‘Then Moses asked to see God’s glory’.

He wanted more of God. We are encouraged to taste and see that the Lord is good. (Ps 34:8) This must be because there is more to experience. We should live like this, wanting to taste and experience more of God. Wanting to touch God with our hearts. Wanting to see more of God.


I have a desire for more of God and I want to encourage that desire. I want a mighty longing for God in my life. Complacency and religion are the enemy of spiritual growth. God wants to be wanted. If you desire more of God that is a good thing! Stir it up! Encourage that desire for more of God.

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I Want To Want God More


Many of the great people in the Bible wanted more of God. Moses was one! He asked to see God’s glory. David was another.

Psalm 42:2 My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?

The Apostle Paul also wanted more of God. This is how he expressed his desire:

Philippians 3:10 I want to know Christ

It was the goal of these men’s hearts to know more of God. This should be our desire also.


In a sense, if we are Christians, we already have God. However, that is only the start. We look for more of what we already have. It is what we already have that causes us to desire more. We each have to seek God individually. Other people cannot look for more of God on our behalf. He is waiting for each one of us to seek Him. It is His intention to show us more of Himself.

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Nearer To Him



They are not the same and we can have the one without the other. We know that the Lord is here, but we can remain totally unaware of it. Only as we become aware of His presence is His presence manifest. He wants to show Himself to us and we need to make ourselves available and seek Him. This is what makes the difference between a nominal Christian life and a radiant/alive Christian life. This difference is important to understand.


We need to develop a heart after the Lord: seeking Him and drawing near to Him.

Psalm 73:28 But it is good for me to draw near to God

James 4:8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.
Don’t become too busy. Avoid the pitfalls of religious business and religious activity and go for the Lord!


Have you ever heard someone say: ‘My son/daughter is getting closer to me as they are getting older’, but the truth is that the child has lived with the mother or father all his life? It is like this with us – we live with the Lord all our lives, BUT there is another dimension altogether. A closer and a more real, special relationship. We are speaking here of experience; coming to know Him more intimately and with a deeper understanding. The barriers are disappearing and a close relationship of mind and heart is developing. This is what He has for each of us.

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He Will Never Leave Us



This is a reassuring fact!

Deuteronomy 31:6 The LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.

Deuteronomy 31:8 The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.

John 14:15 If you love me, obey me; and I will ask the Father and he will give you another Comforter, and he will never leave you.

This encourages me a lot. This fact remains the truth for you and me.


We cannot be separated from His love. Even when we are totally unaware of it, He is still there and His love is still reaching out to us.

Romans 8:38-39 For I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from his love. Death can’t, and life can’t. The angels won’t, and all the powers of hell itself cannot keep God’s love away. Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow, or where we are – high above the sky, or in the deepest ocean – nothing will ever be able to separate us from the love of God.

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