The Holy Spirit produces life in us

beautiful girl enjoying the summer sun outdoors in the park

The result of being controlled by the Holy Spirit is life.  Life in abundance. Life to the full.  While at the same time pleasing God.

Romans 8:10 But if Christ is in you, your body is dead because of sin, yet your spirit is alive because of righteousness.

Another version says that the Spirit is life.

Romans 8:10 The Spirit is life

The Holy Spirit wants to produce life in us.

Romans 8:11 And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you.

This means two things:

I. Healing and strength for the body
II. Eternal life

This happens through His Spirit.  And His Spirit lives in you.

Our thoughts can be controlled by the Holy Spirit:

  • Life
  • Peace
  • Eternal life
  • Healing and strength for our bodies
  • And the knowledge that we are pleasing God

It is worth it to live connected to the Holy spirit.

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The Holy Spirit has life in store for us

beautiful girl enjoying the summer sun outdoors in the park

All Christians have the Holy Spirit living in them. As a result they can live in the Spirit.  It is possible

Romans 8:9 You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ.

Living connected  to the Holy Spirit brings life.  That is what we all need.  We need to headed in the direction of being under the control of the Holy Spirit.  God’s plan for each of us is to experience the wonderful life of God through the power of the Holy Spirit.

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What occupies our minds can bring life or death on us

beautiful girl enjoying the summer sun outdoors in the park

The input that we receive in our minds plays a very important role in our Christian lives.  We need to control the input.  If we constantly feed our minds with rubbish, we will eventually produce rubbish.  What kind of input is your mind receiving?  What kind of person is it producing?

Romans 8:6 The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace

Wrong input brings death.  Through wrong input we die on the inside.  Especially towards God.  The great tragedy is that many people are dead on the inside towards God and they don’t even realize it.  The right input brings life.  A mind controlled by the Spirit brings life and peace.  If we desire life and peace then we need to allow the Holy Spirit to control our minds.

Those controlled by their flesh or by their fleshly minds cannot please God.  Such people may think that they are pleasing God.  But this is not the case.

Romans 8:6 Those controlled by the sinful nature (flesh) cannot please God.

I want to one of those who pleases God.

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Pleasing God when we live in the Spirit

beautiful girl enjoying the summer sun outdoors in the park

Does your life please God?  Are there things that we can do which would please God? Would you like to please God?  The Bible indicates some things that please God.  Lets have a look at this:


Romans 8:5 Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.

The issue here is where is your mind set.  It speaks of our fundamental motivation.  The thing that motivates us will occupy our minds – what we think about.  The question is what thoughts are controlling your mind.  I want my thoughts to be set on what the Holy Spirit desires. I want my thoughts to be motivated by the Holy Spirit.

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God’s presence should go ahead of us


We can’t do this on our own. We have to give ourselves to God. Perhaps this is the challenge? We are so full of our own opinions and ideas. But we must move away from this to a place of wanting what God wants more than what we want.

Joshua 3:5 Then Joshua told the people, “Purify yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do great wonders among you.”

God uses those who are dedicated and set-apart to God. Those who are surrender to Him. Those who have consecrated their lives to Him. When this happens, we set ourselves up for what God has in store and we are ready to possess the land. Giving ourselves to God is where it all begins. Then we can step into the future with boldness!

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What possessing the land calls for

  1. Stretching as opposed to inflexibility.
  2. Uncomfortable as opposed to settling for what you are used too.
  3. New battles as opposed to just waiting for something to happen.
  4. A new mindset as opposed to a negative mind set (The spies).
  5. Hard work as opposed to resistance to effort
  6. The ‘land’ is usually occupied as opposed to as opposed to the wilderness.
Courage as opposed to fea

Joshua 3:14-16 When the people set out to cross the Jordan, the priests who were carrying the Ark of the Covenant went ahead of them. Now it was the harvest season, and the Jordan was overflowing its banks. But as soon as the feet of the priests who were carrying the Ark touched the water at the river’s edge, the water began piling up at a town upstream called Adam, which is near Zarethan. And the water below that point flowed on to the Dead Sea until the riverbed was dry. Then all the people crossed over near the city of Jericho.

God wants to lead us. He wants His presence to go before us. The Ark represented the presence of God. Don’t go anywhere, if you are not sure that the presence of God is leading you in that direction. Without the presence of God in our lives, no land is worth possessing!

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The danger of looking too far ahead


The Red Sea can only be parted when you get there. The Israelites could not expect the Red Sea to be parted while they were still in Egypt. The future may not be as easy as was hoped. After all, the Promised Land was occupied and in order to possess the land there were some major challenges and battles.

There is a lady who works at my place of work. For all her life she has lived in a small, self-constructed, wood and iron house. Recently the government built her, as part of the government’s reconstruction campaign, a complete brick and mortar house. But even after it was completed she did not move in. She was so concerned about getting curtains and cleaning the windows and packing her goods that she, in the process, continued living in her wood and iron home, when, just a few meters away stood her new home. She was waiting for the Red Sea to part (all problems solved) before moving.

You cannot see everything that lies ahead, you cannot prepare for every contingency that may be ahead. Don’t let that stop you from moving into the future and don’t let that stop you from possessing what God has for you!

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The danger of looking back


Looking back robs us of what God has prepared for us. Looking back has the potential to bring us back to a place of bondage. Regret is a debilitating emotion. The ‘good old days’ always look good, because over time we have conveniently remembered the positive and overlooked or forgotten the challenges.

With God the best is always ahead of us. We have to believe that the best still lies ahead, no matter what the past may have looked like.

The ‘rear view mirror approach’ is not where things are happening. That should be your concern. The size of the windscreen in a car is much larger than the size of the rear view mirror. The reason for that is that there is far more ahead than behind and that should be our focus and priority.

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Living in no-man’s land


This is the stage just before possessing. You are standing on the edge and the future looks daunting and the past looks more secure. We can even begin to long for Egypt!

Quote from Robert Schuler: ‘How sweet it is to stand on the edge of tomorrow!’

But, and here is my quote: ‘How disappointing it is to STAY on the edge of tomorrow!’

We can’t camp at the Jordan River forever. At some stage we must cross and enter and take the ground and possess the land. Sometimes we get so close. The Promised Land lies right in front of us but for whatever reason we hesitate and hold back and this can cause us to miss the opportunity.

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Don’t get used to the wilderness


The wilderness was never meant to be the final destination. God uses the time we spend in the wilderness. In the wilderness – God provides. But we must move through the wilderness.

Don’t get used to or become comfortable in the wilderness. But your destiny and goal is ‘THE LAND’ and possessing it! You are not meant to live in the Wilderness forever. The Wilderness was a place of movement without progress. There is nothing more demoralizing than movement without progress. Don’t get used to the wilderness!

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